
Do I Need Medical Indemnity Insurance As A Student?

Medical indemnity insurance covers the cost of legal action if you are found to be at fault in the provision of healthcare and this is even more pertinent for medical students. Unlike traditional insurance, medical indemnity is not based on the cost of a patient’s condition but rather the value of the treatment that you provided. A policy does not cover the costs of a single incident – it will cover any number of events that might lead to a claim.

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When it comes to malpractice insurance, students are generally not able to afford it, but it’s essential to consider it. Medical indemnity is compulsory in some countries and is available for free to medical students. The cost of this policy will increase with experience, responsibilities and private healthcare delivery. The benefits of considering this type of professional insurance are many, and you can find one that best suits your requirements. For more information and advice on Medical Indemnity Insurance, visit a site like Howden Group

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As a student, you’re more likely to make mistakes while training. You could be subject to investigations from the medical boards, which regulates the practice of medicine. By taking out a policy, you’ll be protected against this situation and have access to support and legal assistance in the event that your negligence or malpractice causes another party to suffer damage or injury.

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