
What is an Assisted Living Facility?

What exactly is an assisted living facility? An assisted living facility or assisted living apartment is a residential housing facility for those with physical disabilities or for older individuals who do not want to or cannot live alone. Assisted living facilities have many benefits which include laundry services; attendants who assist the residents with everyday activities; meal planning and preparation assistance; social activities; use of common areas and exercise and other services that are tailored just for the individual’s needs. When you need details on Homecare Gloucester, contact Take 5 Homecare

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The concept of assisted living started in the 1950s with the U.S. government’s National Alzheimer’s Association. At that time, there were no local community centres for Alzheimer’s care and most of the Alzheimer’s patients lived in their own apartments. There was a shortage of available funding for the treatment and diagnosis of this mental disease. As a result, the association developed the concept of placing the affected in assisted living communities to provide them with opportunities to interact with other Alzheimer’s patients and to form social relationships.

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Today, there are many assisted living communities throughout the country, each with its own unique atmosphere and style. The best assisted living facilities are run by reputable and caring non-profit organisations. They should be equipped to meet the needs and demands of the Alzheimer’s patient with sensitivity and compassion. T


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