Start-up stress: How to manage it
There are people who are more prone to stress, but it’s true that starting a business can be stressful. You’ll need some coping techniques if you suffer from anxiety or a lack of ability to switch off. This will help you succeed in your business, without burning yourself out!
You may find that you work late into the night. Try to fit in some exercise in the morning. You may not feel like it, but exercising will make you more energetic, calmer, and happier throughout your day. Even if you only have ten minutes, anything that makes you more active and gets your mind off work will be beneficial. Exercise releases endorphins, which reduce stress.
You may feel that you will never be able to complete your to-do-list. You can’t manage everything by yourself, so consider delegating certain tasks. Small business owners often choose to outsource their tasks. This can include anything from HR and accountancy to finding a virtual assistant. For a Virtual PA, go to Get Ahead, providers of Virtual PA services.
Create systems based on your strengths using tools
Stressed out by an inbox of 1000 unread emails? Download tools to help manage your inbox. You can push back things that do not require immediate attention to a later time. You can use keyboard shortcuts to convert emails into lists of tasks with dates so that each email isn’t left unread.
Find people who share your interests
Talking to people who have experienced similar situations can help ease the stress. You can feel less alone by joining a group of business owners and entrepreneurs in your area who meet monthly to have fun and discuss business.